Label It to Lessen It
Western actor training holds a funny paradox: we're expertly trained to navigate our characters' thoughts and feelings,
The Self-Determined Actor (Part 1)
Confession: we've had this article in draft mode for 18 months 🤦 You know those important but overwhelming tasks
Fave Reads of 2024
"If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no
What Acting Stands to Gain From Science
"Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work."
Presence: The Modern Actor's Edge
You know what's striking? Very few empirical studies have examined what constitutes "good" acting performance.[1]
Practice, Train, Perform
Here's an embarrassing but true fact: circa 2014, I had a pre-audition / rehearsal / performance routine that included blaring
Addressing the Effort-Reward Imbalance
Ah... Feeling seen by science... There ain't anything quite like it...
As humans, our work lives matter. As
Over-Programming Your Training Menu
We get monumental joy from Dojo actors sharing how they're slaying the game with their Training Menu. Your
Dancing the Agent Dance
We've intentionally shied away from writing a "How to Get an Acting Agent" post until now
PSA: Your Training is Yours
Once upon a time, my masochistic streak meant I was here 👏🏼 for 👏🏼 teachers and training that conflated "breaking actors