Database: UK Acting Agents (2024)

Yes 👏🏼 It 👏🏼 Can 👏🏼
If you've been playing along from home, you'll know we've been working hard to make our collection of sexy spreadsheets available to the Dojo Black Belt community. This month, please enjoy our UK Acting Agents database. (For those playing along from other parts of the globe, "acting agents" = "talent agents".)
Strong recommendation to fellow actor amigos: avoid self-submitting during drama school showcase season. Which, in the United of Kingdoms, is typically February to May. The exception to this rule being, of course, if you're at drama school and this year is your showcase year. February to May are yours.
As per our previous updates, this Acting Agents database spotlights the 30 major players across the UK at the time of release. While you may ultimately prefer to sign with one of the many, many, many fantastic smaller agencies around the country, it can nonetheless be advantageous to know who the big guns are, who they represent, and what they're looking for.
Last updated: June 2024